From Data to Knowledge

Explore data. Gain new insights. Make better decisions.

Semantic Integration of Data Fast Execution leveraging Knowledge Graphs Informed Decision-making Hyper-awareness
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For semantic integration
and search


Your knowledge hub
for neuroimaging data

Learn more about our Knowledge Management Solutions for Industrial Biotech and Systems Medicine.

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Knowledge Management Solution for the Life Sciences


What our clients say about working with LabVantage-Biomax

Over the last 20 years, we have seen major advances in the study of the human connectome. However, so far, these advancements have not translated into changes for routine clinical care. We used NICARA to automatically process large neuroimaging datasets and found that the system is indeed capable to inform diagnosis and treatment. We hope that a system such as NICARA can be crucial to translate neuroimaging research findings into improvements of clinical care.

Marcus Kaiser, Ph.D. FRSB Professor of Neuroinformatics, University of Nottingham, uk

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