From Data to Knowledge

Explore data. Gain new insights. Make better decisions.

Semantic Integration of Data Fast Execution leveraging Knowledge Graphs Informed Decision-making Hyper-awareness
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For semantic integration
and search


Your knowledge hub
for neuroimaging data

Learn more about our Knowledge Management Solutions for Industrial Biotech and Systems Medicine.

Our technology

Our Technology

Knowledge Management Solution for the Life Sciences


What our clients say about working with LabVantage-Biomax

We are excited to work with LabVantage-Biomax to effectively manage and share knowledge across our Science and Innovation community. Using LabVantage-Biomax´s semantic search technology we were able to significantly improve the retrieval of our R&D documents. Based on our previous conventional keyword search we only retrieved 45% opposed to 95% of our R&D documents with LabVantage-Biomax' semantic search platform. Knowledge which is otherwise hidden and disconnected is now accessible to our scientists and this saves us time and resources for gathering relevant information.

Dorus van der Linden Head of Knowledge Management and Sharing at DSM

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